Clan War Season 16: Reward Changes
Developer | 30 June 2023 01:41 AM
Hello Ninja, As mentioned in earlier post, the web browser platform is no longer supported in clan war. Also several regulation will be applied and changed here are the detail:
◈ Clan RewardStart from Season 16 ahead,
All top 10 clans will obtain back items, but in return, it's removed from the reputation reward. The top 11-15 now receive appreciation rewards for their participation. The changes to this regulation are based on the Top 10 Clan S15 Representatives meeting on 6/6/2023. You may see the detail in the attached image below.
We added new rules on point 15, which stated the condition when there are 2 clans has the same reputation, the rank will be prioritized to the clan that has reached that reputation score earlier. It also applied to the top pusher rank that will be the prioritized player with more reputation gain, then the earlier that reaches it's total battle. Thread of the regulation
◈ [Re] Limit to Receive Onigiri via Clan GiftRementioned the regulation about the limit receive onigiri in an earlier post, we adjust the total limit onigiri that can be received per account to 2.000/season.
◈ [Re] Remove Support in Browser Platform for Clan WarThe browser version is no longer able to be used in a clan war, and PvP (beta) feature. We hope players can understand because it will make the competition more healthier

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